Diseases that affect cats

What are common cat diseases?

 What are common cat diseases?

Here are the 5 most common diseases that affect cats.

In the beginning, cats are exposed to many health problems in the different stages of their lives, and in addition to that, pet cats that live in the house only are also exposed to serious diseases.

 In this article, we will tell you the five most common diseases that affect cats.

Fleas and cat diseases.

- Fleas, fleas are a very common external health problem that causes pain and diseases for cats. Signs of fleas infestation in cats include: The appearance of flea dirt on the cat's skin, and it looks like small black dots.

Constant scratching. Cats frequent licking of themselves. Skin redness or irritation. Noticeable hair loss. Skin infections or hot spots on the skin.

 Fleas can live for more than a year, and your cat may develop anemia if the problem becomes serious, so be sure to treat your cat's flea problem and prevent future infections.

You should talk to your veterinarian about the best flea prevention and control methods for your cat. Treatment includes oral medications, topical medications, and other treatments.

The most important health problems that affect cats.

 What are the common cat diseases? The most important health problems and diseases that affect cats include:

Vomiting is a disease of cats.

 1- Vomiting is one of the diseases that affect cats. Vomiting is a very common problem in cats and it has various causes, beginning with eating something poisonous or inedible, and ending with infection, urinary tract diseases or diabetes to hairballs.

Symptoms of vomiting in cats are usually obvious, accompanied by drooling and flatulence, and vomiting can make cats dehydrated quickly. So if the cat continues to vomit or is sick, contact the vet immediately, as it may be useful to collect a sample of your cat's vomit and take it with you to the vet to find out the reasons that led to that case of vomiting in your cat.

One of the diseases that affect cats is diarrhea.

 2- Diarrhea is one of the annoying diseases in cats. Diarrhea is caused by intestinal parasites, spoiled food, allergies, infection, liver disease, cancer, and other diseases.

 Depending on the cause of the diarrhea, the diarrhea can last for a day, a week, or months.

 If your cat has diarrhea, you should give her plenty of fresh, clean water to prevent dehydration, and then remove the cat's food from in front of her for a period of no more than 12 to 24 hours.

 Take your cat to the vet if diarrhea persists after a day, or immediately if you notice vomiting, dark or bloody stools, fever, lethargy, or loss of appetite.

Cats also infect urinary system diseases.

3. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) Some lab reports indicate that up to 3% of cats seen by vets have lower urinary tract disorders, a group of feline diseases with multiple causes.

 These female and male cats can also suffer from urinary system disorders, and these disorders often occur in cats that have problems with being overweight. Or cats that eat dry food, just call your vet right away if you suspect your cat has a urinary tract problem. Be careful not to delay it.


5- Tapeworms Tapeworms are one of the most common health problems in cats, and tapeworms live inside the small intestine of small cats. The worms grow very long.

Symptoms of tapeworm infection in cats may be invisible, but may include vomiting and weight loss. The easiest way to tell if a cat has tapeworm disease is to look at its feces and around the anus.

Usually, tapeworms exit the body through the anus, during sleep or relaxation. If you look closely and see small white worms or something like grains of rice or sesame seeds on your cat's anus, your cat has tapeworms.

Treatment options for tapeworm disease include injections, oral medications, or topical medications, but because cats often get tapeworms from ingesting fleas, be sure to address any flea problems your cat has before starting tapeworm treatment.

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