How long does a cat carry

 How long does a cat carry?

How long do cats carry around? This question is definitely on your mind if you are one of those people who love cats or intend to keep cats in your home.

 In this article, we will tell you how long the cat is pregnant in order to anticipate the due date of your cat, and to provide the pregnant cat with the necessary care throughout the pregnancy.

How long does a cat carry

How long is a cat's pregnancy?

 The gestation period in cats is relatively short, as the gestation period of cats is about 63 to 65 days, or about two months.

 When can your cat become pregnant?

Your cat can become pregnant A cat becomes pregnant when it is no more than 4 months old, unless it has been spayed to prevent pregnancy. This is where the estrus cycle in which cats are ready to mate can occur every two to three weeks from spring to early fall. Which makes them ready for mating and pregnancy more than once.

The age of kittens when they become a mother.

This way, your cat can be a mother when it is only 6 months old.

 How do I know that my cat is pregnant?

How to know the pregnancy of cats, making sure that the cat is pregnant with certainty is the competence of the veterinarian, so if you want to make sure that your cat is pregnant, make an appointment with the veterinarian who can confirm the cat’s pregnancy, and the specialist can also know the number of fetuses in the cat’s womb, from Through several methods, including: The veterinarian feels the cat's stomach in a certain way to indicate pregnancy, but this method is not always accurate.

Ultrasound can be used by your vet to confirm pregnancy, but it is not used until after the 16th day of pregnancy. Unfortunately; It is not possible to know the number of fetuses in a cat's uterus through the use of ultrasound. A vet can also initiate the use of x-rays to detect pregnancy and determine the number of kittens in the womb, but it is also not always accurate and can give false information.

 Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in cats.

 There are some signs and indications that you may notice yourself on female cats when pregnancy occurs, and these signs include: A pregnant cat's stomach becomes large after about 30 days of mating. With the continuation of pregnancy, after two to three weeks of pregnancy, you can notice that the cat's nipples have increased in size and become red in color, and this sign is also called "pinking up".

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in cats.

 There are some signs and indications that you may notice yourself on female cats when pregnancy occurs, and these signs include: A pregnant cat's stomach becomes large after about 30 days of mating. With the continuation of pregnancy, after two to three weeks of pregnancy, you can notice that the cat's nipples have increased in size and become red in color, and this sign is also called "pinking up".

Help your cat to give birth.

After you know exactly how long cats are pregnant, and know that it is a relatively short period, you should prepare for the moment of the birth of your kitten. Approximately two weeks before the expected date of delivery, k for the days of the cat's pregnancy; You may notice that your cat is behaving differently as she enters a nesting position, and to help her with this, you can identify a quiet, comfortable place where she can give birth.

Where the cat puts her young.

Find a medium-sized box with a low opening, and cover it with newspaper, old towels, and soft blankets to create a relaxation area for mom and her future kittens. You should place the nesting box in a quiet corner of your home, especially away from children, and instruct your pregnant cat to visit it often before giving birth until she gets used to it and feels comfortable in it.throughhrough the specialist doctor and calculate

When you notice that your cat is in a prenatal nesting position, take her to the vet for her last prenatal visit. Your vet can give you more information on how to prepare for delivery, check on the health of the mother and kittens, and advise you on the correct course of action if there is an emergency during delivery.

Symptoms indicating the approaching date of the cat's birth.

What are the symptoms that indicate the approaching date of the birth of my cat? There are two signs that cats are due to be born: Kittens usually stop eating 24 hours before birth. Pregnant cats have a temperature of less than 37.78 degrees Celsius.

In the end, and after you know how long cats are pregnant and the most important symptoms of pregnancy in cats, remember that proper veterinary care is the prerogative of the veterinarian, so do not neglect his advice regarding your pets.

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