American shorthair cat

 American shorthair cat

This athletic cat is descended from the British shorthair cat, but is larger, more flexible and more powerful than the British shorthair cat.

American shorthair cat

The lifespan of the American shorthair cat.

This cat comes in a variety of colors and types, and its lifespan is very long, ranging from 15 to 20 years. Which is something that is considered very normal in this cat.

Characteristics and characteristics of the American short-haired cat.

This cat is very excellent for children and is also suitable for dogs if you own dogs.

This type of cat is very healthy, gentle, easy to handle and does not require strong supervision and grooming is not a problem for this cat.

Asian cat traits

The lifespan of the American shorthair cat.

The weight of the American short-haired cat ranges between 4 to 8 kilograms, and the males are also larger.

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