The 6 most common insects that infect dogs and cats

The 6 most common insects that infect dogs and cat

The 6 most common insects that infect dogs and cats.

 Beware of them, the 6 most famous insects that infect dogs and cats. If you have pets and dogs in your home, you must know that they are susceptible to insects, and you must identify the most common insects in pets to know how to prevent and treat.

The most common insects that infect dogs and cats.

In the following article, we tell you the most common insects that infect dogs and cats, insects that infect dogs and cats with various insects. It is a common condition that all pet owners face, which is why recognizing, treating and preventing different insects is so important if you have pets in your home.

Insects can transmit bacteria to cats.

I notice; Insects can transmit bacteria, parasites or viruses that are generally life-threatening, so it is important that you focus on prevention with topical or oral medications. Or insect collars that you perform as a vet. ADVERTISEMENT Here are the most common insects that infect dogs and cats, which include:

Flea saliva infects cats

Fleas are insects that transmit disease to cats.

1. Fleas are bloodthirsty insects that jump into pets' bodies and grow on the surface of the skin. Common flea locations include: the head, neck, groin, perineum (the area around the anus) and the base of the tail where fleas gather and bite and irritate the skin.

As a result; Your pet will lick, chew, or scratch himself in an effort to relieve irritation.

Flea saliva infects cats.

Flea saliva is also allergens, so a single flea bite can cause your dog or cat to itch all over its body. Fleas also cause swelling, redness, hair loss, scaling, and bleeding.

Ticks are carriers of cat infection

Ticks are carriers of cat infection.

 2. Ticks Cats and dogs pick up ticks from grass, tree leaves, or other environmental surfaces. Ticks are slow-moving, and they crawl across the surface of the skin until they find a suitable site to bite through the layers of the skin to take a blood meal. The face, head, ears, sides of the body, and extremities are common sites where ticks are caught on dogs and cats. Redness can occur around the tick bite, and swelling and crusting can occur after the tick is removed or dropped off.

Scabies is an insect that transmits infection to cats

Scabies is an insect that transmits infection to cats.

3. Mites (Scabies) Mites are microscopic insects that hide deep in the layers of the skin to feed and live, causing inflammation and secondary infection in the animal's skin, skin lesions caused by scabies can appear all over the body, but the armpits, groin, and ear These are the most affected areas.

Swelling, redness, hair loss, crusting, or other lesions can occur secondary to scabies.

Mosquitoes are carriers of the disease

Mosquitoes are carriers of the disease.

 4. Mosquitoes are insects that make pets feel differently. A mosquito bite penetrates the skin, so sudden licking, chewing or scratching usually occurs directly at the site of the bite, and all body surfaces are susceptible to mosquito bites, but larger surface areas such as the back, and sides provide large areas for bites. Swelling and redness can be seen after a mosquito bite. The body's inflammatory response will itch for minutes to hours at the site of the mosquito bite, but it likely won't have long-term effects

The most famous misinformation about cat health and correcting it

Bees and wasps are vectors of infection to cats

Bees and wasps are vectors of infection to cats.

5. Bees and wasps A bee or wasp sting such as mosquitoes tends to be localized at the point of entry into the skin, and can occur anywhere on the body, however; The sting of these insects causes significant pain that can lead to lameness, itching, or other signs.

 in addition to; The venom of these insects creates a significant inflammatory response that leads to swelling and redness, and other signs of a bee or wasp sting include vomiting, diarrhea and low blood pressure in pets.

Ants are a carminative insect for cat disease

Ants are a carminative insect for cat disease.

6. Ants Ant bites also cause localized pain and swelling in cats and dogs. And in the end, after you know the most important insects that infect dogs and cats

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