Cornish Rex cat

Cornish Rex cat

Type information

The name is Cornish Rex

Another name does not exist

Popularity #11

UK Origin

Lifespan 11-14 years

Size is medium

house cat yes

Approximate weight 2.5 - 4 kg

affectionate mood





Cornish Rex cat

the color is white







short fur




Type character istics

acclimatization. ★★★★★

Children's love ★★★★☆

Kindness to dogs ★★★★★

intelligence. ★★★★★

Energy ★★★★★

Health problems. ★★★★☆

Affection level ★★★★★

vocal expression. ☆☆☆☆


The Cornish Rex cat is distinguished from other types of cats by its curly and soft hair like a small doll

Its size ranges from small to medium, it appears thin, which is normal in this type and does not reflect malnutrition

He is known to be taller than width, and his back is arched and his nose is prominent in the middle of his face

He has a graceful body and flexible bones that make him jump on things like the refrigerator or the washing machine with grace. This may make some upset with him and consider him a naughty cat, but it can be considered positive because it brings joy and pleasure to the hearts of family members, especially on families who like to feel that the house is full It has movement

His shape is not the only thing special about the Cornish Rex cat, he also has a high IQ

He is also very affectionate and attached to his owner and has a great curiosity in understanding the things around him

His great curiosity makes him fall into funny situations, he also has a wit that makes him always endearing to hearts

Children and other animals:

The Cornish Rex can live with pets and cat-friendly dogs without any problems, but the animals must be introduced to each other under observation.

This type is a suitable choice for families with children because it loves the attention it receives from children and appreciates it very much, as it is friendly and loves young children

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